me: I don't know how you do it. I would go crazy here, I am going crazy here. (After a little less than 5 months!)
him: I would be content staying in Chicago the rest of my life, and I probably will. Although I do wish I could be a little more like you, pick up and leave whenever I feel like it.
me: You know I wish I could be a little more like you. I wish I could be content somewhere, but I haven't found that place yet. I'll let you know when I do.
him: Well until then, keep in touch my little nomad girl.
I've heard those words one too many times, and frankly I'm not good at KIT. I have those friends I have had since I was little and I will always keep in touch with them, but really there are friends everywhere and I have no problems making new ones along the way. It can make for a pretty lonely journey at times though and I have gotten pretty accustomed to doing almost any type of activity by myself. And all of this moving and traveling have shaped me into this person that I absolutely love and am so proud of today!
But who am I? My name is Lauren and I come from the wonderful, beautiful city of Chicago. I spent 18 years growing up in the western suburbs of the city and couldn't imagine growing up in anything less than a huge city atmosphere, part of what drives me to my unknown finish line today. In high school I had my first experience abroad, spending 2 weeks with an amazing Spanish family on an exchange program through my school. I was terrified and thought I would never make it through those 2 weeks, but I loved every second of it and was bit with this terrible travel bug that haunts me every single day. High school graduation came along and I made my first real move across the country to attend Arizona State University. I had a wonderful 3 1/2 years there and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in December 2008. For the first half of 2008 I studied abroad at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia and found the one place I have ever been truly happy. I made the most amazing friends in Sydney and had so many new and wonderful experiences. During my 6 months there I was fortunate enough to travel to both Thailand and New Zealand for a week each, as well as much of Australia's East Coast. Since then I have been itching to go back, and I know I will someday to live there longterm.
Back to today, I am currently participating in the Disney College Program for the Fall Advantage session 2009. I work in merchandise at Disney's Hollywood Studios in by far the best area anywhere! I am in love with Disney and the people I have met here, but of course like anything else it is definitely not all it is set up to be. I have been here almost exactly 3 months and just recently I have begun to feel that itch that it's time to move on and try something new. I love it here, but I'm performing a job I did throughout college and I want to move on to bigger and better things, or at least a different role here! I have until January at least though, and for now this blog is going to be the ups and downs of a Disney cast member.
you should definately come back to australia! ive just stumbled across your blog and its really interesting reading so im signing up to be your first official follower :) yay!